A short guide on how to get approval from a Community like Newgrounds.

Lnks to the games webpage on Newgrounds.

Pictured above: A notorious criminal turned to villainy after failing to receive community approval!

Should you be concerned about community approval!?

When sharing your game with the world, one of the initial challenges you may face is gaining visibility and community approval for your demo. With various platforms like social media, streaming sites, and media upload sites such as Vimeo, Imgur, and YouTube, it can feel overwhelming to navigate the options. Additionally, there are dedicated community websites centered around gaming. Among these platforms, Newgrounds stands out as a vibrant community of passionate web enthusiasts, eagerly embracing fresh ideas.

Reaching out for approval.

However before your game or upload reaches the broader Newgrounds audience, it undergoes a crucial approval process by the community. Through a dedicated area of the site, users vote on content, leaving comments and feedback. Gathering user data and insights from public comments is invaluable to developers. It is only by releasing your game into the wild that you truly discover how people respond to it. Hosting a web demo on a public community like Newgrounds or Game Jolt provides an excellent opportunity to gauge interest and determine the potential for success.

Steps to Successfully Share Your Game in Online Communities:

  • Start by understanding the community guidelines and rules.
  • Create a compelling and polished game that showcases your best work.
  • Provide clear and concise information about your game, including its genre, mechanics, and unique features.
  • Engage with the community by participating in discussions and offering feedback on other projects.
  • Be respectful and open to constructive criticism.
  • Share your game in the appropriate section or category, following the submission guidelines.
  • Use eye-catching visuals and a catchy description to grab attention.
  • Encourage players to leave comments, reviews, and ratings to gather valuable feedback.
  • Respond promptly and positively to user comments and inquiries.
  • Actively promote your game through social media channels and relevant online communities.

How did this work out?

Thanks friendly stranger, I will keep going 😀

Consequentially in my recent experience with my second game Super Burst, this approach proved immensely helpful in deciding whether to continue developing the game for a larger platform like Steam. Among the 64 reviews received during approval, one individual expressed genuine interest and willingness to support the project by purchasing it on Steam. This feedback serves as a strong motivator for my journey towards the Steam Big Leagues. Super Burst has received positive feedback and encouragement along the way, boosting my morale and driving my determination.

Subsequently embarking on the task of introducing Super Burst to the vast expanse of the internet, I am reminded of the initial obscurity that comes with starting from nothing. It’s humbling to realize that no one initially pays any attention to you in life, but it is also a reminder of the potential for growth and recognition that lies ahead.

Thank you for your interest kind strangers and newgrounds! Leave a comment down below if you would like to ask for any advice, especially on getting your game approved by a community.

Tohn J. Burray

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